Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Commissioned Painting Stage 2

After the sky is painted I progress from the horizon line forward.  Mangrove islands take shape, sabal palms and coconut palms look ok,  and the water is brushed in. 

Everything is moving alone nicely until I realize my composition could be improved.  There is too much "beach" in the foreground.  This is not the best time to make a change from the study, but necessary from time to time.  So, all the beach in the front becomes water flowing around mangroves giving just the needed space for wading spoonbills.

Birds always come last.  When the landscape is finished and dry to the touch I pop the birds in.  Where they go has already been decided, so the challenge is to get them the right size and value for where they are placed on the picture plane.

Painting the birds in after the landscape is finished and "dry" allows me to easily wipe them out if they are not quite right without damaging the work I have already done.

This painting took about 3 weeks to create, photographing it as I worked.  It has been approved by the client -- hoorraay--and gets delivered this weekend. 

Visit my blog tomorrow to see the finished painting.

1 comment:

Susan Koon said...

Great job I like it better with the change to water!