Friday, March 1, 2013

Backus Museum Fund Raiser

 The A. E. Backus Museum invited me along with a few other artists to participate in a unique fund raiser.  Each artist selected an object and painted what ever they wanted to on it.  I chose a lovely solid wood tray.  After sanding, the wood took on a beautiful patina that yelled SANDHILL CRANES to me.

The images are painted in oil, which worked well with the wood grain, giving the "feathers" a more real look.

After the paint was completely dry I applied a wood varnish that is used on salad bowls.  As a result, food can be served safely right on the tray.

The Museum Director Kathleen Frederick called to tell me how the auction went.  I am thrilled my tray was sold for $475.00 with all the proceeds going to the Museum. 

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