Friday, January 20, 2012

Christmas Commission

I previously wrote about a painting I was commissioned to do as a secret Christmas present. Because it was a deep dark secret that very nearly got out - but that story can keep until another time - I couldn't post the finished painting until after Christmas.

Well, it is now near the end of January already so I thought I had better get back to keeping in touch with you all and post the image.

This is the entrance to the Eddie Woods Horse Farm in Ocala, Florida. It is a beautiful farm complete with barns filled with magnificent thoroughbred race horses and a world class training track. The rolling hills though out the property add just the right touch of tranquility.

Eddie's sweetheart Angela commissioned the 30"x40" painting. She instantly became my sweetheart when she said "I want the entrance gate to be prominent but I also want it to be a painting not a photograph." Music to an artists ears! She gave me permission to paint a landscape and put the gate in it.

Visiting the farm to gather reference material was exciting. Creating the painting was challenging. Getting to know Angela was a personal treat.

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