Monday, July 30, 2012

Step #3: Painted Study

#4  Finished Sketch
Step #1 Gather information from the client about the content of the commissioned painting:  what type of scene as well as time and type of day. 

Step #2  Review support material (photos and plein air studies).  Decide on the pencil sketch size and draw several compositions before choosing the final one.

Photo #1
Step #3  Study:  The painted study is in the exact proportions as the pencil sketch and the final painting. 

The composition is drawn on the canvas with brush and ultramarine blue as you see in Photo #1.

The additional photos posted here show the progress of the sketch. 

The sketch can make or break a commission so I work on it the same way I would any other painting.

The finished study could also be considered a miniature painting.

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